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Expertos, información y atención – Consultoría artesana en red

Expertos, información y atención

by Julen

Estupendo el último artículo de Kathy Sierra: The Asymptotic Twitter Curve. Está que se sale esta mujer. Aborda varios de mis temas favoritos:

Eficiencia en nuestras actividades (o el dolor de las interrupciones)

Flow means we need a certain amount of time to load our knowledge and skills into our brain RAM. And the more big or small interruptions we have, the less likely we are to ever get there.

Eficiencia e información: cómo convertirse en experto

The brain scientists now tell us that becoming an expert is not a matter of being a prodigy, it’s a matter of being able to focus.

La necesidad de «cerrar la puerta antes de entrar» de vez en cuando

But this whole problem is also tied up with the notion of Alone Time, something Jason Fried believes is absolutely essential to both creativity and productivity. I strongly suggest reading his post on How to Shut Up and Get to Work (don’t forget to look at the comments).

La necesidad de gestionar activamente nuestro entorno multitarea.

A few of my earlier posts on this (pre-Twitter, when I still had hope) were:
Multitasking makes us stupid? (a follow on to the earlier Your brain on multitasking) and The Myth of «keeping up» (which is where I created the book picture I re-used in yesterday’s big book list).

Lo dicho, una joya este blog: Creating Passionate Users.

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