En las andanzas que uno hace a la búsqueda de recursos útiles para esa cosa llamada management de vez en cuando te encuentras con herramientas valiosas. Es el caso, desde mi punto de vista, del Business Model Navigator que han desarrollado en el BMI-Lab de Universidad de St. Gallen. Originalmente publicaron un libro en alemán que ha sido traducido en fechas recientes a inglés. ¿En qué consiste esta herramienta?
Básicamente se trata de una modelización a partir de casos. Es algo así como un amplio abanico de opciones que resumen lo esencial de cómo ciertas empresas encaran su actividad para ser competitivas. Del análisis de multitud de casos llegan finalmente a mostrar 55 opciones de modelo de negocio on evidentes posibilidades de recombinación. De hecho este Business Model Navigator se trabaja mediante un juego de cartas y utilizando también una serie de hojas de trabajo.
El libro explica cada uno de los modelos utilizando un enfoque sencillo, buscando responder a cuatro preguntas básicas (págs. 28-29):
- Who? (customers)
- What? (value proposition)
- How? (value chain)
- Why? (profit mechanism)
Los 55 modelos de negocio inventariados son estos:
- Add-on. Additional charge for extras.
- Affiliation. Your success is my success.
- Aikido. Convert competitor’s strength to weakness.
- Auction. Going once, going twice… sold!
- Barter. Tit for tat.
- Cash Machine. Coining money with negative working capital.
- Cross-selling. Killing two birds with one stone.
- Crowdfunding. Taking finance by swarm.
- Crowdsourcing. Outsourcing to the crowd.
- Customer Loyalty. Incentives for long-lasting fidelity.
- Digitisation. Digitising physical products.
- Direct selling. Skipping the middleman.
- E-commerce. Online business for transparency and savings.
- Experience Selling. Products appearing to the emotions.
- Flat Rate. ‘All you can eat’ – unlimited consumption at a fixed price.
- Fractional Ownership. Timeshare makes for efficient usage.
- Franchising. All for one and one for all.
- Freemium. Choosing between free basic and paid premium versions.
- From Push to Pull. Customers create value vortex.
- Guarenteed Availability. Assured access to the product.
- Hideen Revenue. Seeking alternative sources.
- Ingredient Branding. Brand with a brand.
- Integrator. Involvement all the way down the line.
- Layer Player. Benefiting from specialised know-how.
- Leverage Customer Data. Making use od what you know.
- Licensing. Commercialising intellectual property.
- Lock-in. Forcing loyalty with high switching costs.
- Long Tail. Many a mickle makes a muckle, or little and often fills the purse.
- Make More of It. Multiply competences outside your core business.
- Mass Customisation. Off the rack individualism.
- No Frills. Whatever, as long as it’s cheap.
- Open Business. Leverage collaborative value creation.
- Open Source. Working together to create a free solution.
- Orchestator. Directing the value chain.
- Pay Per Use. Pay as you go.
- Pay What You Want. Whatever it’s worth for you.
- Peer to Peer. Dealing from person to person.
- Performance-based Contracting. Basing fees on results.
- Razor and Blade. Bait and hook.
- Rent Instead of Buy. Pay for the temporary right to use.
- Revenue Sharing. Win-win with symbiosis.
- Reverse Engineering. Taking lessons from competitors.
- Reverse Innovation. Learning from good-enough solutions.
- Robin Hood. Take from the rich and give to the poor.
- Self-Service. Putting the customer to work.
- Shop in Shop. Piggybacking.
- Solution Provider. Finding all you need at the one-stop shop.
- Subscription. Taking a season ticket to services.
- Supermarket. Large selection os small prices under one roof.
- Target the Poor. Customers at the base of the earnings pyramid.
- Trash to Cash. Turning old rubbish into new cash.
- Two-sided Market. Attracting indirect network effects.
- Ultimate Luxury. More and more.
- User Design. The customer as inventive entrepreneur.
- White Label. Own brand strategy.
Resumido el enfoque en un vídeo de menos de un minuto:
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Nuevo post: 55 modelos de negocio: Business Model Navigator http://t.co/oedyLWlURb cc/ @dsanchezbote @jsobejano
55 modelos de negocio: Business Model Navigator -http://t.co/FhVfDxsxMi por @juleniturbe
RT @ebe: 55 modelos de negocio: Business Model Navigator -http://t.co/FhVfDxsxMi por @juleniturbe
55 modelos de negocio: Business Model Navigator: En las andanzas que uno hace a la búsqueda de recursos … http://t.co/GtZEPcyXTo #RRHH
«@juleniturbe: Nuevo post: 55 modelos de negocio: Business Model Navigator http://t.co/ZvrHIMD9DP cc/ @dsanchezbote @jsobejano»
55 modelos de negocio: Business Model Navigator http://t.co/f3R6XWIboF
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55 modelos de negocio: Business Model Navigator http://t.co/cL2gQfRWSv vía @juleniturbe
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55 #modelos de #negocio: #Business #Model Navigator http://t.co/BnNzs6Ewcb by @juleniturbe
55 modelos de negocio: Business Model Navigator http://t.co/CKHzR9xmVL @arey
55 modelos de negocio: Business Model Navigator – http://t.co/vLn691CsUd via @shareaholic Gracias por contarlo @juleniturbe 😉
55 modelos de negocio: Business Model Navigator http://t.co/3ojaUfMvut #rrhh